Disposable baby nappies can in rare cases cause allergic reactions due to the ingredients used, such as preservatives. The ECARF Seal of Quality certifies disposable baby nappies as allergy-friendly if the manufacturer is able to provide evidence of efficient quality management. This must include an analysis of the raw materials, the product composition, a clinical test on human subjects, and an effective complaint management system.
ECARF-certified disposable baby nappies have demonstrated in scientific tests that they do not to cause side effects and there is no expected risk that a new allergy will develop through their use. Despite meticulous product formulation and testing, allergic reactions or irritations cannot be completely ruled out in individual cases. Furthermore, all types of disposable nappies can cause so-called “nappy dermatitis” with allergy-like symptoms under certain circumstances. Therefore, even with ECARF-certified products, nappy dermatitis cannot be completely ruled out. The manufacturers of allergy-friendly disposable baby nappies must meet the following criteria for their product(s):