
ECARF-Certification valid
Certified on 31.03.2018 / Certificate number 7655

The 36-square-kilometre island, which is suitable for allergy sufferers, is the westernmost and largest of the seven islands in East Frisia. Parts of the island and the adjacent mudflats belong to the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park, and the town of Borkum is a state-recognised North Sea spa. The air on Borkum is very clean and contains iodine and aerosols – there is hardly any pollen.

Nordseeheilbad Borkum GmbH

Nordseeheilbad Borkum GmbH
Georg-Schütte-Platz 5 | D-26757 Borkum

T +49 (4922) 933-0
F +49 (4922) 933-400

Allergy friendly certified offers of this community: